Secret Shopper Canada
There are many sources obtainable on the internet that will help explain Mystery Purchasing. It is far more geared towards freebies than raking in funds, although you can make little income on some jobs. At a college in California where an undercover student was interested in a certificate in computer system-aided drafting, an admissions officer told the undercover applicant to alter his FAFSA to include things like 3 dependents so that his revenue would be deemed low enough to qualify for Pell. At all but two of the colleges visited, college workers supplied deceptive or questionable info about graduation rates, exaggerated likely earnings, or guaranteed applicants jobs after graduation.
Undercover mystery shoppers utilised for enterprise purposes, to see what consumer service is actually like and what feedback true consumers can give the company, was initial reported in the 1940s throughout the film The Devil and Mrs Jones”. A mystery shopper …